What can I filter in my Waysafe® Cabinet ?
When purchasing a safety enclosure most people buy the cabinet with our standard H14 HEPA filter which covers a multitude of applications. However, in recent years we have significantly increased the range of our filter options which are available to new and existing cabinets.
Below is the current range of stock filters available for most of our cabinet’s: –
HEPA Filtration
HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Arrest) filters are one of the most common types of industrial filters in use. From a vehicles Air Conditioning Unit to Silicon Chip manufacture they all use HEPAs in their filtration systems to provide clean, dust/pollen/particulate free air. The HEPA range consists of two standards H13 (99.95% efficient) and H14 (99.995% efficient). At Waysafe® we only use the H14 standard filter in our SA, GP and AS range of cabinets to ensure the high standards of operator safety required in the Asbestos and Pharmaceutical industries.
Our very popular BH550 balance cabinet uses standard E10 EPA filtration or H13 HEPA filtration.
We also offer a U16 ULPA (Ultra Low Particulate Arrest) filter (99.99995% efficiency) which is aimed primarily at the Graphene Research/Manufacturing industry.
All Waysafe® filters come complete with a manufacturers test certificate to ensure compliance.
In all cases (except BH550) the filters should be used with a G4 (gross particulate) pre-filter. This removes any large particulate and protects the HEPA filter from becoming unduly impacted. Pre-filters should be changed on a regular basis to extend the life of your HEPA filter.
Carbon Filtration
Carbon filtration, purifies the air using ‘adsorption’ – a substance which adheres to the surface of another (whereas ‘absorption’ is the process of two substances combining), In doing so, the air passes over the surface of the carbon granules, which then remove the Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s) and odours, for example – alcohol or solvent fumes, hydrogen sulfide and other unpleasant odours produced by certain reactions etc.
Waysafe® offers a full Generic Carbon filter in both our 300 and 600 filter ranges. This type of Carbon offers adsorption of a wide range of substances for general laboratory use and can be tested, once installed using a standard alcohol/solvent testing unit.
Activated Carbon Filtration – if your process requires filtration of a more specific substance, Acids, Alkali’s or Formalin etc. then the granules need to be specially ‘Activated’ to be more receptive to the substance or chemical in question. Waysafe® can offer these products on a special order basis for a whole range of chemicals, please contact us with your requirements and we can advise accordingly. Activated Carbon filters can be tested for the specified chemical once installed, by a qualified engineer using Draeger Tubes.
Carbon filters offer no particulate filtration during use.
HEPA/Carbon Filtration
If you have read all the above and thought ‘I need both types of filtration in my Waysafe® cabinet’ the answer is our combined HEPA/Carbon filter, available in 300 and 600 series filters. It combines a 25mm H14 HEPA pleat in front of a 25mm Carbon biscuit within the same dimensions as a standard filter to give the best of both worlds. These filters are supplied complete with a manufacturers certificate to ensure compliance of the HEPA part of the filter.
These filters can be retro-fitted to existing/older units, but please check with us first.
The team at Waysafe is always available to discuss your specific requirements and is committed to providing the best in bench-top safety enclosures.
If you would like to find out more about our range of safety enclosures, contact a member of the team on 0161 339 6187.